Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ettevalmistus konverentsiks Poolas

Täna oli kokkusaamine nelja õpilasega (EVELI, KRISTA, KARL ja TAAVID), kes esindavad kooli projekti lõpukonverentsil Poolas (7.-12.06.2015). Rääkisime läbi ajakava ning Poolas toimuva. Meie õpilased on vastutavad naerumaja (Laughter House) loomise ja vastavateemalise töötoa eest.

Monday, May 25, 2015


Meie projektiraamatusse on kogutud olulisem materjal kahest aastast: naljad eestlaste kohta, kolm võiduesseed, logovõistluse töid, infomaterjal naeruteraapiast, Hispaanias tehtud tõlketöötoa leht, ajakiri Türgi koolist ja muudki.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Teatrietenduste külastamisest

Lisaks VATteatri etendusele "Rekvisiitori tähetund", millest on blogis juttu juba eelnevalt olnud, külastasid noored Linnateatri etendust (9.01.2015) "Maailmale nähtamatud pisarad". Eveli ning Krista tegid etenduste ja tagasiside põhjal kokkuvõtte.

’’Invisible tears to the world’’


’’The Great Moment of a Stage Manager’’

In this year, pupils from our school went to see two theatrical performances. They were both comedies.
The first one was called “Invisible tears to the world” (In Estonia: Maailmale nähtamatud pisarad). It is written by Anton Tšehhov – he published it as a Antoša Tšehhonte. He was studying in The Faculty of Medicine and needed to earn some extra money. He wrote short stories for the local humor newspaper. Stories were so popular that newspaper started to publish them regularly.
What makes it easier to watch and understand today, is that the phrasing and slang was modernized. Performance includes many short stories all in one. Stories are funny and tragic at the same time.

Some of the funniest scenes were when one of the actors went fishing and took his clothes off. While marriage proposal, future husband and wife were arguing over a dog and plot of land.

The second play was ’’The Great Moment of a Stage Manager’’. (In Estonia: Rekvisiitori tähetund) It’s a story about a man, who is responsible for the actors having all necessary props on stage. But one day performance is unexpectedly canceled. The stage manager has to rectify the situation and start acting himself. It’s his time to shine.
The students enjoyed the play very much. It was very fun and gripping. They also liked the actor, who gave them happy and cozy feeling and made them want to talk along.

The structure of the play was also good. The little bit confusing beginning was very well acted. Altogether, the actor played the character very well, and gave a good review –with a little exaggerations- about stage manager’s job. The show develops fast and the singing- performances makes it more colorful.

Besides being funny, the play also educated the students about life in theater; who and how is responsible for lighting and clothing.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Euroopa päeva tähistamine

9.mail toimuvat Euroopa päeva tähistasime koolis reedel. Huvijuht viis läbi viktoriini 5.klassidele. Vastati temaatilistele küsimustele, näiteks milline on liidu väikseim riik. Küsimusi oli kokku 10 ning võitjaks tuli viieliikmeline poistevõistkond 5.a klassist.